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We can do hard things

 TGIF! This week has been rough around these parts. My family and I live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area and if you haven’t already heard, the entire metroplex shut down this week. Apparently other people knew winter was coming, but I was blissfully unaware until I woke up around 2am on Monday morning to find my husband eagerly watching his fancy weather apps. He told me that our 1-year-old wouldn’t be going to school because of the weather, and I shrugged it off. Her daycare closed and has been closed all week. The four of us – my husband, toddler, newborn, and me – have basically been existing in one room of our house for the duration of that time and things are getting wacky. On top of the cabin fever, we’re all working on getting over some virus. My husband and I have had it for almost a month. The toddler was sick over the weekend and now the newborn is sick. Watching him cough so hard is heartbreaking. He’s content to snuggle all day long and contact naps have made up t

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